We want to thank the Marietta City Police Department and the City of Marietta for their help with our transportation routes, especially in the afternoon. We are going to start the year with this plan and use Quarry Street as an exit at the beginning of the year to help buses get up the main hill. We are hoping that this only has to be temporary for the start of the school year. We will continue to communicate if there are any changes. Please note that there are changes to our transportation route in the afternoon, but the morning will remain the same as last year. Thank you for your help and patience during this time!
- Overall Information: In the morning and the afternoon, we will have many staff on duty to help our students. Our number one priority is safety so please make sure to follow our traffic patterns so that we can get our students to school and home in a safe and timely manner.
- Morning Drop Off–Car Riders: Students will be dropped off in front of the academic building which is located by the track. Please go past the gym steps and follow the directions of our crossing guards. Please make sure that your child has everything that they need for the day so they can exit their vehicle in a safe and timely manner.
- Morning Drop Off–Car Riders: Students will enter door E to go up to the gym after they are dropped off. Students will enter the gym and sit with their grade-level class. Students will be dismissed from the gym at 8:40 a.m. to their homeroom classes. Quarry Street will be blocked off with a gate starting at 9:00 a.m. Parents/Guardians can drop off students by coming up Quarry street in the morning.
- Morning Drop Off–Bus Riders: Buses will drop off students at the gym doors and students will enter the gym and sit with their grade level.
- Morning Drop Off–Walkers: Walkers are permitted to come up the steps from Mcdonalds. We will have a crosswalk at the top of the main hill. Students will walk around the front of the building and enter through Door E.
- Afternoon Pick Up–Car Riders: All car riders will receive a sign for their vehicles. The sign will have your child’s name and each grade level will have a different color. Please make this visible in the afternoon when picking up your child. Cars will follow the traffic pattern and pull around to the front of the track. Students will be in front of the track and organized by grade level. The students will tell a staff member when they see their vehicles and the staff members will watch for the signs in the vehicles.
- ****Afternoon Pick Up–Car Riders: Quarry Street will be closed for cars to enter at the end of the day so parents/guardians will not be able to pick up their students through the entrance of Quarry Street. Quarry Street will be used as an exit. All vehicles will exit Quarry Street. Law enforcement will be at the bottom of Quarry Street to help with traffic. We are blocking off the hill exit to help our buses get up and around the car line. We will have staff support to help the buses get around the cars. Once the buses can get around the car line, parents/guardians will be able to use the main hill.
- Afternoon Pick Up–Walkers: Parents/Guardians are permitted to park in the old YMCA parking lot and students are allowed to walk down the steps to the YMCA. We will have a crossing guard on the main hill and at the bottom of the hill by McDonalds.
- Afternoon Pick Up–Bus Riders: Bus Riders will be dismissed at 3:25 p.m. Students will go outside in front of the building and get in their bus line. The buses will load at the gym steps until the car line has ended and then they will load in front of the academic side of the building.
- Traffic Pattern Changes: The southbound lane on Glendale Road at Gross Ave will be closed in the afternoon starting at 3:00–4:00 p.m.
If you have any questions, please let me know!
Brittany Schob, Marietta Elementary School Principal (740) 374-6530 ext. 3015 bschob@mariettacsdoh.org