engagement focus group marietta high school

More than 70 individuals attended Marietta City Schools' first set of focus groups Tuesday to help define the skills needed in Marietta City Schools' next superintendent.

Discussion facilitated by the Ohio School Boards Association consultant Teri Morgan showed that our community is willing to describe how effective communication is demonstrated in leaders’ actions, outline what past experiences would benefit a new superintendent's success in Marietta and the importance of relationship-building as we move forward into a new district chapter earning community trust.

I missed Tuesday's sessions, how can I provide my feedback?

A. Complete the anonymous community survey by Friday, June 10.

Click here to complete the survey in less than 10 minutes.

B. Email your answers to the following three questions by June 17:

1. What do you believe are the major issues facing this school district during the next three to five years? Consider both possible threats and golden opportunities.
2. What personal and professional characteristics will be absolutely critical for the next superintendent to be successful in your district?
3. What specific knowledge, skills and experiences will you be looking for in your new superintendent? Are there things particular to your district or your school board that could affect the new hire? 

Mrs. Morgan will receive emailed answers to these questions at tmorgan@ohioschoolboards.org through June 17.

C. Attend the final focus group day on June 17

These 30- minute sessions will take place in The Gathering Place at Marietta College, 127 North Seventh Street, a meeting space in the former IGA building at the corner of Butler and North Seventh Street. Parking is available in the college parking lot across from Tim Horton’s. 

Personal information is not documented in these sessions, allowing for open dialogue facilitated by OSBA. The feedback Mrs. Morgan gathers will be aggregated into a final report to the board alongside the anonymous survey responses from the community survey.

Public Sessions
12:30 p.m.   |   Partners in Education (including local child-serving agencies, elected officials,  business, ministerial and civic partners)
3:45 p.m.    |   Students
5:30 p.m.   |   PTO and Booster groups, Athletic Staff
6:30 p.m.   |    Community
Parents and guardians who are not formal members of their school’s PTO or Booster groups are also encouraged to attend the 5:30 p.m. session. 
Local media are not permitted to record these sessions but may interview participants with individual permission afterward.
Staff-Only Sessions
9:30 a.m.   |   Classified Staff
10:30 a.m.   |   Administrative Team
2 p.m.   |   7-12 Certified Staff
3 p.m.   |   K-6 Certified Staff
These sessions are not open to members of the public or media.

Why has Marietta City Schools engaged the Ohio School Boards Association to conduct the superintendent search?

OSBA’s process is used by school boards across the nation to vet candidates, their experiences and skills to find the right fits for districts' various needs.

When does the application window close?

June 17

The Marietta City Schools Board of Education will review the applicants, references, community survey data and focus group report from the Ohio School Boards Association in the final weeks of June. No applications are available to the board before the posting closes.