Our Partners in Education are offering a unique opportunity this summer for area youth to explore careers through hands-on education at the Washington County Career Center.
This five-day summer camp is open to all students ages 13-16; June 6-10, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Pre-pandemic, the camp offered income-eligible students an extra taste of available career pathways via partnership with Washington County Job and Family Services' comprehensive case management and employment program.
New this year, the one-week summer camp is open to all students, regardless of family income.
"This is also the first year for welding, electricity and diesel truck mechanics to be offered during camp," said Michele Grosklos, assistant to Dr. Tony Huffman, superintendent of the Washington County Career Center.
Students will sample problem-based and interactive instruction in two career pathways per day and led by a minimum of two instructors per program.
Grosklos explained this allows students not only to meet new peers from across the county, but spend more time getting to know individual instructors and academic teachers through their programs.
"Sometimes trying new things and going to a new place can be scary, but here's another opportunity to get to know the teachers in a closer setting," she said. "This can open their minds to what other career pathways they can choose that they didn't think to consider after their eighth- or tenth-grade visit."
Removing Barriers to Success
Marietta City Schools is working with the career center to bus Tigers to the camp.
"Charlie (Brown) is so helpful with that and getting Marietta kids to us," praised Grosklos.
Brown is the MCS Transportation/Warehouse Coordinator who works with central office and student services staff to ensure transportation for students across the district.
Plus, the career center is offering free breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack each day to each student.
"And we give each student $20 in Marietta Bucks for each day completed, usually we give them that during their snack at the end of the day so it's not getting lost in a day they didn't come or in the mail," Grosklos explained.
- Parent to complete Prevention, Retention and Contingency Application application (below).
- Return the completed PRC application to the home school guidance secretary (Courtney Klientop).
- Guidance office to send completed PRC applications to Michele Grosklos at michele.grosklos@
thecareercenter.net or fax them to 740-373-9026.
For more information scroll below to view the flyer of available programs for each student and to apply.
Questions may be directed to Ohio Department Job & Family Services' Dawn Freeland at 740-434-0513 or Grosklos at the Washington County Career Center 740-373-2766 ext. 1041.