Dear Marietta Tiger Family,
The Marietta City School District is aware of rumors circulating on social media, specifically TikTok, about threats to schools across the United States on December 17th. These rumors threaten shootings, bomb threats, and other violent acts, and at times refer to December 17th as “National Shoot Up Your School Day.”
Please be aware that these threats do not specifically target Marietta City Schools or any other school district. However, the district takes all threats to safety seriously and wanted to make parents and guardians aware of this situation.
Our administrators, Marietta Police Department and the Washington County Sheriff's Office have been made aware of these rumors. We rely on each of our staff and our partnership with local law enforcement to ensure the safety of our students.
If staff, students, or parents discover any specific threats or witness any suspicious activity, please report those threats immediately to the district and law enforcement. In addition, please remind students that threats of any kind will result in disciplinary action or legal consequences. It can be easy for students to get caught up in sharing what they see on social media, but those actions can sometimes have real-world consequences.
As a reminder, students, parents and community members can utilize the free Safer Ohio School Tip Line to anonymously report threats to schools or students’ safety. The tip line is available by calling 844-SaferOH (844-723-3764).
Thank you for your continued support as we work to keep schools safe.