With a unanimous vote to approve an additional resolution Monday, the Marietta City Schools Board of Education thanked all employees for modeling adaptability and dedication through tough times.
Vice President of the Board Doug Mallett praised the teamwork it takes to pull off not only the shifts of buildings and grades but to do so during a global pandemic.
"All of the hard work of all of the employees, all that the staff has done through this consolidation, the pandemic and everything," he described. "And we now finally feel comfortable (after) asking for clarity on our finances and so we're going to propose that each employee get a stipend."
The resolution as presented read:
Whereas the Marietta City School District Board of Education recognizes the additional demands placed on the district employees due to the consolidation from six buildings to four, the adoption of new and innovative math curriculum, the demands of addressing learning recovery, a spike in COVID-19 cases and quarantines on top of the demanding and challenging job of teaching and caring for the district students.
Whereas the additional demands come on the heels of the challenging and intensive 2020-2021 school year.
Whereas the Marietta City School District Board of Education wants to communicate their and the communities' appreciation of the district staff stepping up to the additional demands in support of the students.
Whereas the availability of funding through the Federal ESSER II and ESSER III funds and understanding of the financial flexibility it provides allows the Marietta City School District Board of Education to communicate their appreciation in a tangible way.
Be it Resolved that the Marietta City School District Board of Education directs the district Chief Financial Officer to provide a stipend of $750 to each employee as soon as possible.
Moved by Doug Mallett, seconded by Bill Hutchinson.
Marietta Education Association President JD Benson was surprised to hear the additional resolution added to the public meeting before its conclusion.
"Morale was kind of down and this will help," shared the MES music teacher. "This is a positive thing after a lot of people felt like they did a lof of things and weren't thanked. This will come as a shock to some."
And the thanks extends, not only to teaching (certified) staff but also to the many school employees who work behind the scenes to keep the buildings clean and running, the aides, attendants, bus drivers and maintenance crews who each play critical roles in the creation of a healthy and safe learning environment for each Marietta Tiger.
"It definitely has been a rough road since Spring Break 2020," shared Courtney Kleintop, president of the local chapter of the Ohio Association of Public School Employees. "OAPSE has bent our own rules and MCS classified staff have been extra flexible to make the best learning environment for our students. This decision is a huge and very appreciated surprise to us. Thank you, Board Members!"
Marietta City Schools Board of Education is next scheduled to meet on Nov. 22 at 6 p.m. in the central office board room, 111 Academy Drive, Marietta.